[overture] Plot a Point

  • From: "#DOMINIC DENVER JOHN CHANDAR#" <DOMI0002@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 20:31:03 +0800

  Is there a way to plot a point at a given location (x,y) using the
plotStuff class ? or should I use the OpenGL functions ? Basically I
have a contour plot
plotted in a window and i want to plot points at different locations
(also later with different colors)
I tried something like :
DataPointMapping map;
map.setDataPoints( points, 1,1);
MappedGrid mg(map); 
here "points" is of dimension (1, 0:1). But this doesnt work.. I think
we cannot generate a MappedGrid with just 1 point...?
Any other ways ?

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