[O Velho News] RES: Re: [O Velho News]

  • From: "Romulo M. Cholewa" <rmc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ovelho@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 16:52:48 -0300


Mas valeu gente, obrigado :)

Romulo M. cholewa
Home: http://www.rmc.eti.br
finger rmc at zeus.rmc.eti.br


] -----Mensagem original-----
] De: ovelho-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx=20
] [mailto:ovelho-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Em nome de Juliano
] Enviada em: s=E1bado, 18 de dezembro de 2004 16:36
] Para: ovelho@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
] Assunto: [O Velho News] Re: [O Velho News]
] Tem tambem o DVDXCopy Platinum da 321 Studios... Eh muito=20
] f=3DE1cil de =3D usar e copia qualquer coisa, protegida ou nao!
] So tem uns probleminhas:
] "This product contained an integrated CSS ripper with is=20
] illegal in many countries. It is illegal because it=20
] circumvents copy protection =3D mechanisims.
] We recommend using a software product that does not contain a=20
] 'ripper' =3D if you are in a country where rippers are illegal,=20
] this includes the USA.
] The original DVD X Copy Platinum from 321 Studios is not=20
] recommended -- =3D At one time this was the most dominate=20
] product in the marketplace. It was really the first. They=20
] lost a recent court case forcing them to remove support for=20
] backing up encrypted (commercial) DVDs and can no longer =3D=20
] help you if you run into problems. Support was their previous=20
] strength and =3D why they were worth the higher price. Now they=20
] remain expensive and cannot =3D offer the same level of support=20
] you will find with the others.
] Lawsuit issues
] 321 Studios recently lost two seperate lawsuits over their=20
] DVD X Copy product line. In the end they were forced to stop=20
] manufacturing, =3D supporting, or selling this software.=20
] Because of this they currently cease to =3D exist."
] De qualquer forma eu ainda uso...
] []'s=3D20
] Juliano
] -----Original Message-----
] From: ovelho-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx=20
] [mailto:ovelho-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] =3D On Behalf Of lu[x]er/G.Ritter
] Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 1:59 PM
] To: ovelho@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
] Subject: [O Velho News] Re: [O Velho News]
] On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 12:57:04 -0300, Romulo M. Cholewa=20
] <rmc@xxxxxxxxxx> =3D wrot=3D3D
] e:
] > Srs.,
] >=3D3D20
] > Algum de voces conhece uma boa ferramenta para copia de DVDs ?
] Eu ja utilizei o Slysoft CloneCD (http://www.slysoft.com/)=20
] para fazer copia de DVD, mas a propria Slysoft j=3D3DE1 possui=20
] um software adequado para isso: Slysoft CloneDVD.
] Outra ferramenta que conheco, ja testei e recomendo e o=20
] CloneDVD (http://www.clonedvd.net/).
] Qualquer uma satisfaz minhas necessidades.
] --=3D3D20
] lu[x]er/Gustavo A. Ritter
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