[otb] 10/14/08 OTB Update

  • From: "victor" <victor@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Freelists" <otb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 18:15:46 -0500

Dear Friends and Family in the Lord:

It seems like quite a while since we have updated you on the doings around
here.  It may just seem like a long time because so much happens so fast
lately.  We were not so affected by the stock market crash because, frankly
our investments aren?t there.  That doesn?t mean we can?t sympathize with
those whose were.  It is a very scary time for everyone, as we wonder if there
will be gas next week, jobs next month, or a godly man in the White House next
year.  But ?Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which
shall be to all people??  That news was that Christ had come, and I have even
better news!  He is still here and on the throne!  ?And lo, I am with you
always, even unto the end of the age!?  It may seem like the end of the age to
some, but we are not without hope.  We need to give that hope to the world!

        Vic and I are heading out this Friday to share that hope in a few 
venues.  We will be doing three public school programs where we will focus on
making the best choices for a good future.  Kids are scared too.  They don?t
even understand all of what scares them, but they feel everyone?s uncertainty.
 We will be in several churches to remind believers that God is still in
control.   We will be in a Christian school to re-mind students that they can
be in no better place to learn The Truth, and it can set them free.  Please
pray for us as we go, and ask the Lord of the harvest to help us bring some in. 
We will also be in churches asking them to help us spread this message, the
gospel for all the world, by supporting us financially and prayerfully.  One
way is through a monthly gift through One Way Evangelistic Ministries, a tax
deductible gift.  We are also sharing the ministry of STEER, Intl.  It is an
organization that helps farm and ranch owners work with missionaries to raise
a steer or other livestock or crops along with their own to support a
missionary.  That partnership can become the lifeblood of organizations like
One Way Evangelistic Ministries.  Our director, Jerry, was reached by a STEER
missionary in Trinidad, W. Indies, when he was a boy.  He abandoned the Hindu
faith and came to America to learn about how to serve Christ.  Now he goes out
in Christ?s name and preaches the gospel, with no compromise.   He, and
millions more who still have never heard are what STEER and One Way are all
about.  If you know someone who might be interested in hearing about the
ministry of STEER, or if you are, please give Vic a call at 307-256-3544. 

Please keep the boys in prayer the next few weeks as well.  Evan has once
again dislocated his shoulder, really bad this time, and will require surgery
to correct it.  He is waiting for Christmas break hopefully, so he won?t miss
school.  He seems to be doing well, other than that.  Tim seems to be doing
well too, though he is struggling with some hard classes this semester.  Nate
continues to miss Oakdale, but is making some friends at church.  He went on a
retreat and got home yesterday, ready for a break from school.  Yeah for
Columbus Day!  Linda enjoys her work at the Crisis Pregnancy Center here in
town and learning the books here at One Way.  Vic is getting more involved at
church, likes working with the praise team and loves his new position in One
Way.  Jack misses the woods, but is adjusting.

Know that you are in our prayers and that we are grateful to be in yours.  God
bless you with the assurance that He cares, He leads, and He reigns.  
                                                In His hands,  Vic and Linda

P.S.  If a Parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?  I was just

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  • » [otb] 10/14/08 OTB Update