[orgprints] suggestion from user and contact to the user

  • From: Serenella Puliga <puliga@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: orgprints@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 16:10:06 +0100

After the EDITING (AS EDITOR) and depositing of an item in the main archive where can I find the suggestion to the archive adnministrator (Did I lose them?)
How can I contact an user, not personally but as editor (anonimously) and not in relation to specific things of the item but in relation to the suggestions from the users?
To be clear: an user put as suggestion to insert in the archive its organization, but it seems to me that HE has to do that as user, in the proper space of inserting organization/facilities and so on.


Serenella Puliga
Ministero delle politiche agricole e forestali
Dipartimento delle politiche di sviluppo
DG Sviluppo rurale -
POSR IV Ricerca e sperimentazione

c/o Istituto sperimentale per lo studio e la difesa del suolo
P.zza D'Azeglio 30 - 50121 Firenze
Tel 39 055 2491248 - fax 39 055 241485
e-mail: puliga@xxxxxxxx

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  • » [orgprints] suggestion from user and contact to the user