Re: solved our "problem with views" flushing shared_pool and cache every hour, not binding problem

  • From: Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <jcdrpllist@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Stefan Koehler <contact@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 15:55:30 -0400

Thank you Stefan.
The problem was like these.
They are working ok a time, and then they call and say is slow, (that
custoemr had a virtual server)
1) we see when restarting the database it solved
2) we see after restarting several times the database , restarting doesn't
solve, so we restart the server, and it get fixed again.
3) the same problem to other customers with the same product.

One custoemr had a virtual sever, and that could be the reason, but the
other customers didn't so, that wasn't the reason.apparently was the
operating system (windows server 2008).
I was curious if some one had a similar problem.

The true is I don't have any idea what it was, and I didn't have time to
check in that time, and I'm not a real dba like you, I don't have the
expertise because most time I'm developing I'm dba when something bad
happens in the database :).

2015-10-22 12:53 GMT-04:00 Stefan Koehler <contact@xxxxxxxx>:

Hi Juan Carlos,
just based on your following description:

But what we recently discovered (thisnot the problem of the view) is
that the system required to restart periodically to avoid problems. It is
bad binding, I have no idea what it is, but trying, only for try, I
flushed shared_pool and cache and it worked ok, so we created a job every
maybe in other systems is stupid, but in our system not because it is
small. We did only for a customer, but it was usefult to others too, and
are happy because a query of 30s started to take 2 minutes or more.

This sounds like some kind of (adaptive) features like cardinality
feedback (or statistics feedback how it is called nowadays) or temporary
issues. Have you already checked both? Do you really need to flush the
buffer cache as well?

However i (personally) would consider this procedure as a short-term
work-around only.

Best Regards
Stefan Koehler

Freelance Oracle performance consultant and researcher
Twitter: @OracleSK

Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <jcdrpllist@xxxxxxxxx> hat am 22. Oktober
2015 um 17:38 geschrieben:

Hello Jonathan, thank you for commenting my mail, and everyone :), I
explain you a problem, because you enjoy them :).

the problem is our system is small, but it is complex, because there
are views, and views and views.
in example some views are a view joining two table, one table has the
data of the table, and the other has the historical data of the table we
moved to a read only tablespace, for backup (before rman).
There are views for translation, this means the table has the data, and
the view has the data, and a virtual column with the description,
translated depending the language.
And last view created with joins and for reports, we use some times in
other reports; and the concept is ok, is better for developement, there is
not unnecesary use of them.

I try to solve configuring the database properly, in example to solve
performance problems we had, increase the pga to a minimum to allow
to always have enough memory to choose the best join, and activate all
in statistics_level. And it was ok, plus some indexes.
But what we recently discovered (thisnot the problem of the view) is
that the system required to restart periodically to avoid problems.
it is not bad binding, I have no idea what it is, but trying, only for
try, I flushed shared_pool and cache and it worked ok, so we created a job
every our; maybe in other systems is stupid, but in our system not
because it is small.
We did only for a customer, but it was usefult to others too, and they
are happy because a query of 30s started to take 2 minutes or more.

I'm a developer-dba, I learn in the way I need,so I'm trying to digg
and learn a littler more to understand where is the problem going.

Thsi is the job so you can smile, a little in windows patch 15
(standard one)
exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.drop_job ( job_name =>
exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.drop_program ( program_name =>
DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_program (
program_name => 'prg_Flush_especial_periodico',
program_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
program_action => 'begin execute immediate ''alter system flush
shared_pool'';execute immediate ''alter system flush shared_pool'';execute
immediate ''alter system flush shared_pool'';execute immediate ''alter
system flush buffer_cache'';execute immediate ''alter system flush
buffer_cache'';execute immediate ''alter system flush buffer_cache'';
daz.db_err_graba_autonomous2(''1'',''JOB FLUSH'');end;',
enabled => TRUE,
comments => 'Este es solo para casos especiales, el unico
hasta ahora es .');
DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
job_name => 'job_Flush_especial_periodico',
program_name => 'prg_Flush_especial_periodico',
start_date => SYSTIMESTAMP,
repeat_interval => 'FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=1;',
end_date => NULL,
enabled => TRUE,
comments => 'Este es solo para casos especiales, el unico
hasta ahora es puente.');

Here is the init.ora if you areinterested.


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