select sysdate from dual@othermachine not works!!!

  • From: AMIT VERMA <verma.labs@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 22:19:22 +0530

How can I check system date of other box using Oracle Query. I have two
box's, on both of them Oracle 10g is installed while running the below
command is gives the same output where there is difference in the time.

*Command 1:*

select sysdate from dual
union all
select sysdate from dual@othermahine;

*Command 2:*

select sysdate from dual
union all
select sysdate@othermachine from dual <dual@othermahine>;

Please advice.

Amit Verma

"Winning takes talent but it takes character to keep winning"

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