Re: better sql code

  • From: Jared Still <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: raja4list@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:58:34 -0700

Comments inline:

On 10/25/05, raja rao <raja4list@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  can someone give me a better code for the below:
> ...
> For this purpose, we have develped the code like this.
> we will collect the acct# numbers into a flat file (filename is list) and
> for each line will fire theupdate statement like below.
>  cat list|while read line
> do
> sqlplus -s <<EOF
> ${connect_string}
> @update.sql ${line}
> done
> # list is a file which contains the acct# to be updated into main table.
> update.sql contains teh below code:

This is a fairly inefficient method.

If you are using Oracle 9i+, then you can use external tables, bulk binds
Below the sig is a prototype to test with. Modify as needed for your system,
and read
the docs on this for options you may need.

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

# Create a directory in the database - the filesystem directory must exist.
SQL> create or replace directory forall_dir
as '/u02/oradir'

# create a text file for testing
$> ls -1 ~/tmp >| /u02/oradir/loadtest.txt

# create an external table and a test table
drop table loadtest;

create table loadtest(
filename varchar2(50)
organization external
type oracle_loader
default directory forall_dir
access parameters
records delimited by newline
badfile 'loadtest.bad'
discardfile 'loadtest.dis'
logfile 'loadtest.log'
fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
filename char
location ('loadtest.txt')
reject limit unlimited

drop table newfiles;

create table newfiles (
filename varchar2(50),
date_added date

create index newfiles_fname on newfiles(filename);

# load the table, then update it
type t_type is table of varchar2(50) index by binary_integer;
v_file_table t_type;
i integer;
v_now date := sysdate;
-- get the filenames from the file
select filename bulk collect into v_file_table from loadtest;

-- insert into table
forall i in 1..v_file_table.count
insert into newfiles(filename) values(v_file_table(i));

-- use an update to set the date added
forall i in 1..v_file_table.count
update newfiles set date_added = v_now
where filename = v_file_table(i);



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