Re: Wait: Queue Messages

  • From: "Rajeev Prabhakar" <rprabha01@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: paulastankus@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:34:05 -0500

Hello Paula

I just noticed a thread on the following URL. Please take a look.


On 12/20/06, Paula Stankus <paulastankus@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


A very large percentage of the waits on our database are for Queue
Messages.  This is consistent.  This is the first time I have seen this as
one of the top waits on a database and at such a high percentage
consistently.  I have been researching Metalink, Google, various sites and
even the great book on Waits by Kirti and Richmond.  However, I do not find
very much information specifically on this wait event.  Help, does anyone
have any references they can point me to that would explain the following:

-how to determine what processes or type of processes produce these waits
-how to measure what kind of an issue they are on your database
-things you can do to resolve this wait
-Where can you go besides Statspack for more detailed information about
what is causing this event

Thanks in advance.

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