Re: > Subject: Re: Detailed explanation why uber move from postgress to mysql

  • From: Tim Gorman <tim.evdbt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gogala.mladen@xxxxxxxxx, Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman <dbakevlar@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2016 22:43:00 -0700

>> Explaining those features is the least I could do for an Oracle ACE.

Actually, the least you could do is explain them correctly.

You started off OK in describing the Oracle in-memory implementation as a column store, which is easy enough since it is. And you should have stopped there.

Instead, you veered into the weeds with an odd analogy to bitmap indexes, which indicates either unfamiliarity with in-memory column stores, or with bitmap indexes, or both. There is nothing to suggest the method, the manner, the usage, or the impact of bitmap indexes in any in-memory column store implementation.

So in the one sentence (i.e. "/The nett effect is as if a bitmap index is created and maintained on the columns, minus the locking problem/"), you gave a classic /mansplain/, condescending yet wrong. Then, you doubled down. The sentence following (i.e. "/This advanced algorithm can speed up aggregated functions like avg, sum or stddev functions tremendously/") was a further glorious example of patronizing mixed with fuzziness and inaccuracy when referring to an in-memory column store as an "advanced algorithm" when it is foremost a data structure.

So that's /mansplaining/, with which most men (including myself) find themselves largely unfamiliar, but which every woman in our ranks can somehow mysteriously recognize from miles away...

   man·splain (manˈsplān/)/verb/
   gerund or present participle: *mansplaining*

       (of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in
       a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.  Often
       memorable by the explanation being incorrect or poor


If this is confusing, please note that Kellyn didn't ask for any explanation, and with many years supporting MySQL databases in production, she doesn't need it. Yet she got one from you anyway. Or an attempt at one.

I'm going to cut to the chase here: stop picking fights. We're not going to tolerate it, so we're going to continue to call you out on it, each and every time. You were ejected from this list at least once already, some 11-12 years ago, and there was hope that you had grown when you rejoined.

This is a dead topic.

On 12/24/16 15:16, Mladen Gogala wrote:

On 12/24/2016 09:15 AM, Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman wrote:
Merry Christmas to me, I've had multiple database feature officially mansplained to me!

The holiday season is complete....:)

Sent from myMail for iOS

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA

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