Re: Re : Query tuning exercise: what to look for in a 10053 trace

  • From: "Dennis Williams" <oracledba.williams@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Bernard Polarski" <bpolarsk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:01:47 -0500


I agree with your points. I think most of the time our life as DBAs consists
of "find bad query", "fix bad query". But I have personally encountered
situations where the cause was a bit deeper. From what I understand of
Cary's point of view (and this is undoubtedly superficial) is that as
databases and applications become more complex, those more complex problems
are occurring more often.
   And you are correct that usually the scope grows larger than a mere DBA.
But even a mere DBA is a professional that is expected to express a
professional opinion occasionally. I think every DBA should read Cary's book
so when that dark night occurs and the CIO asks the distinguished gathering
"what does the DBA think?" you'll have something useful to say. Maybe it
will only consist of holding up Cary's book and saying "I think before you
buy that new server, maybe you should read 2 chapters of this book." It
might just forestall those who are just ready to scream "It's the database's
fault -- blame the DBA!!"

Dennis Williams

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