Metalink Note 330239.1

  • From: "Niall Litchfield" <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Oracle-L Freelists" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 13:41:43 +0000

I'm being a bear of very little brain here. I'm reading the note above since
we are seeing KGL Heap Notifications on a production 10.2 system. I'm
confused as to whether this is telling me that I should resize the shared
pool, because the shared pool is either fragmented or short of space, or if
it is just telling me about large objects being loaded into the shared pool
and I should reset the warning level to something higher(or turn it off).

I reckon I'm using 212 of the 304mb shared pool size that this db has and so
am tending towards the latter theory, but any insight into this behaviour in
10.2 would be welcomed.

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

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