Re: Is there a way to append spool files?

  • From: "Nigel Thomas" <>
  • To: pete@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 08:56:26 +0000

If you for any reason you need to do this on an earlier version - and you're
running a *nix, you can always set up a pipe.

I don't have a handy server to test on (Windows environment on current
site), but its something like:

mknod p mypipe
cat mypipe >mylogfile &

sqlplus u/p

spool mypipe
logged stuff
spool off
non-logged stuff
spool mypipe
more logged stuff
spool off


The pipeline will stay open - but you can kill the cat once you are done.
(No, it's a piece of software in the background, not a cuddly furry animal).

Regards Nigel

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