Funny sort of question re sys password

  • From: "Nuno Souto" <dbvision@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Oracle L" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 21:07:37 +1100

Someone at work maintains that it takes them 10 minutes to 
break the Oracle SYS password security.

And the Sun boof-head (a different person and I use the 
term loosely...) assures me he's capable of doing so any time 
he wants.

Now, I've been away from this security stuff for a year or so and
I may well be wrong here, but breaking the password security 
means cracking the Oracle encryption.  While this may be possible,
I can't believe it only takes 10 minutes?

Wouldn't it rather be a case of social engineering at work?
Or just a plain vanilla "change_on_install" case?

<says he who used to change it to "changed", 
with the obvious funny consequences>
Nuno Souto
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