RE: Fat Pig Replication

  • From: Stephen.Lee@xxxxxxxx
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:52:13 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> Do you really feel as though the 5.7g resource requirement is all that
> unreasonable?

Yes, this is very unreasonable for a table this size; especially the 4 gig
rollback when the table was empty to begin with.

> I have to think that the sorting for the index is causing it.

That was my original thought, and that might still be the case, but
v$session_longops and v$sort_usage didn't support that theory.  But I might
have checked at the wrong time, and what was seen at the time I checked was
just an innocent bystander who happened to be in the wrong place at the
wrong time.  The Ouija board and Magic 8 Ball were consulted, but results
were inconclusive.

> We have several 2g datafiles for each of our TEMP and ROLLBACK
> requirements in 8.1.7 databases, and they often autoextend > 20g.

I'm thinking you got some rotten SQL running around.  Mebbe a Cartesian join
or two.  Mebbe some batch jobs in dire need of commit here and there.
Seriously.  Really.  This should not be happening.

> Finally, I must ask how and why you need 120+ database 
> instances in this day and age.

Don't have that many.  It varies between 60 - 80 Oracle test and development
databases depending on what is going on.  Everybody likes to have their own
sandbox, and we're just fabulously nice guys around here.  Don't know how
many SQL Server instances are around.  Besides I just work here.  I get
paid.  I'm happy.

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