RE: Explain Plan not the same through ODBC

  • From: "Allen, Brandon" <Brandon.Allen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Luc Demanche" <lucdemanche@xxxxxxxxx>, "oracle-l" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 14:10:41 -0700

Okay, then check for parameter changes made by the application or user,
different bind variable values or different methods of retrieving the
plan (e.g. autotrace, explain plan for, 10046 trace, v$sql_plan).  Are
the two executions sharing the same child cursor in v$sql?  If not,
check v$sql_shared_cursor to see why not.


From: Luc Demanche [mailto:lucdemanche@xxxxxxxxx] 
We are connecting to the same Oracle user, so it's the same database,
same schema, same statistics, same triggers, etc.
The only difference is for one, we are using SQLPlus, for the other,
it's through ODBC.

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