[opendtv] The mouse who would be king

  • From: Monty Solomon <monty@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipient: ;
  • Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 02:29:31 -0400

The mouse who would be king
Disney's ever-expanding copyright powers are threatening to squash 
everyone's cultural creativity. As two new books compellingly argue, 
the time is ripe for more anarchy, and fewer lawyers.

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By Farhad Manjoo

April  8, 2004  |  It's become fashionable lately to vilify Mickey 
Mouse. So much money and power have been invested in the otherwise 
innocent-looking, squeaky-voiced cartoon character that he no longer 
is, for many of us, just a drawing. Mickey is, instead, The Man, the 
symbol of a global entertainment behemoth bent on remaking our world 
to its own ends. Parents worry that Mickey will corrupt their 
children. Foreigners worry he'll corrupt their culture. And the most 
persistent claim these days is that Mickey is corrupting our 
Constitution: In order to protect Mickey Mouse and his cartoonish 
brethren -- not just Minnie and Pluto but also Britney and Eminem -- 
from the scourge of digital technology, this argument goes, the 
entertainment industry is clamping down on our freedoms to create, 
innovate and speak.



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