[openbeosnetteam] Re: Various ping testing questions

  • From: Scott Mansfield <thephantom@xxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeosnetteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 20:43:07 -0800

Hi Brennan,

Here's what I know about ping options, I invite others to fill in the blanks.
'-d' sets the SO_DEBUG option on the socket in use. Don't know how useful that is.
'-n <value>' means "ping host <value> times and quit."
'-L' suppresses loopback on multicast packages. If you're getting a setsockopt error odds are good that your ethernet driver doesn't "do" multicast.

Also, I've tried '-v' on three different strains of U*nix-like operating systems (Linux, MacOS X, and hockey-pucks) and it doesn't do a durned thing.


On Feb 29, 2004, at 1:31 PM, Brennan Cleveland wrote:

Hi team,

I have finally gotten some more time to resume stack testing.  I am
<still> testing ping.  I have some questions:

What does the -D option do?  How would I test it?
What does the -d option do?  How would I test it?
How should the -L option be invoked?  Im getting a setsockopt error
-2147483643 no matter what I do.
What does -n do?
I get the same output using the -v (verbose) switch as I do without it.
Is this ok?
Im assuming I cant test -r or -R until 'route' is fixed.  Is this

Otherwise, all other single command line options have been tested.

Thanks in advance for any responses...

Brennan Cleveland

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