[ola] Re: NEW Grading, rubrics and other issues

  • From: JoAnna Coleman <joannac@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "tess.siemer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <tess.siemer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ricardo <hurricanetumbao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:37:51 +0000

I started proficiency based assessment last year - this year I am doing a 
modified version of it with 10% for cuaderno checks & quizzes and 90% for 
on-demand assessments and conversation/speaking goals

for each assessment, I give students a different, yet similar rubric - each 
assessment will receive 4-6 scores, based on how many standards are being 
assessed (with scores of 1-4) - (possible categories: message, text type, 

I am not tying their proficiency level to their grade, but instead using it as 
an indicator for growth over the year and to base the level of the class - ie. 
where are we and where are we headed?

my students do performance-based assessments which are usually a one-on-one 
interview with me or an on-demand role-play with a random partner and for 
writing it is an on-demand assessment as well (answer questions, describe 
pictures, etc..., not a standardized fill-in-the-blank test)

Students have the opportunity to re-assess up to two times during the semester 
if they are not proficient (ie, scores of 1 or 2) - they must come in and meet 
with me first - I find this time really helpful for me to work one-on-one with 
kids who are struggling in class and it allows them a chance to improve and 
show progress. Often times I will plan it so all the kids wanting/needing to 
re-assess come in for a tutor session at the same time

Their score for OWL conversation goals and speaking standards will be 
periodically updated in the gradebook, with the idea that by the end of the 
semester, they are all at 3s and 4s (meets and exceeds) - they will also 
self-assess on these periodically

I have lots of different rubrics I use, depending on the assessment, that I 
would be happy to share -
For example: my first assessment in Spanish 2 is a series of basic questions 
about self and daily life 1 (ie. biographical info, family, school, 
date/time/day, weather, interests, etc...)  - I usually ask about 5-8 questions 
with follow-up

What is still a big challenge for me is making the grading rubrics fair and 
level-appropriate at the same time.
What is "exceeds standard" if most students should be at Novice Mid coming in 
to Spanish 2? Should it be Novice High performance? Is "meets" Novice Mid?

This is why I don't tie proficiency levels to the grade, since really the idea 
is that everyone, regardless of where they're at, improves and moves up a level 
by the end of the year. Again, it's all new for me and something I am still 
figuring out

JoAnna Coleman
Spanish Teacher
Wilson High School
503-916-5280 ext. 75231

From: ola-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [ola-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Jody 
Soberon [JodySo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:55 AM
To: tess.siemer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; ricardo
Subject: [ola] NEW Grading, rubrics and other issues


We are still trying to figure out the MEPNI Mastery, Exceeds, Proficient, etc 
Proficiency grading. I have emailed as many of you as I know that work in 
Oregon. Is everybody using the new MEP grading system?

As a Singleton, or solo teacher, you are my PLC team to run ideas by. I thought 
I had the grading figured out, but besides my Principal wanting me to do a 
pre-assessment so as to measure growth, he wants me to have a rubric so as to 
effectively and objectively measure or evaluate my students levels and growth. 
Can I use Ricardo's Task Performance Data Sheet and Individual Performance 
sheets as a Rubric? What are you using?

Also, besides grading being done using M,E,P... all rubrics and grading need to 
be Standards Based of course, so I was actually designing the grade based on

Proficiency at 75% to include all speaking, reading and writing 
activities/projects/etc. based on Interpersonal, Interpretive and 
Presentational Mode Standards, and then

5 C's at 25% - 5% of which is the Community grade for practice outside the 

Any thought, docs, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!! :)


Foreign Languages
Brookings Harbor High School

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