[obol] Re: id help needed!

  • From: Linda Fink <linda@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: David Irons <llsdirons@xxxxxxx>, OBOL Oregon Birders Online <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:38:46 -0700

Wow!! Thanks so much, Dave, for the detailed analysis. I have learned that crummy photos are a good way to teach me to look at more than the obvious field marks. As for the date of the photo, it was taken April 23. We are about 2 weeks later than Salem here in the Coast Range. We can watch the seasons changing in the spring as we drive from Grand Ronde to Salem. Yellow warblers, do, now that you mention it, show up much later here than do Wilson's.

We have many Wilson's Warblers here on our farm, seasonally, so that makes a great deal of sense. I confess that I mostly identify "yellow" warblers by voice and have not paid that much attention to obscure (to me) field marks. You have educated me greatly and I appreciate it!


On 10/22/2014 11:17 PM, David Irons wrote:

There are several clues here that I think help answer your warbler ID
question. Here's what I see.

1. Vegetation -- The deciduous tree in the photo is just starting to bud
and leaf out. In the Willamette Valley that typically happens from late
March to mid-April with bigger trees. You say this photo was taken in
April, but don't give us the exact date. I think that if this image had
been taken in the latter days of April the leaf out would be further
along. This alone likely takes Yellow Warbler out of the equation. The
first northbound Yellow Warblers normally arrive in the Willamette
Valley about 25 April or later and they are generally scarce before the
1st of May.

2. Undertail coverts -- Another strike against Yellow Warbler is the
length of the undertail coverts (along with the lack of yellow going out
to the end of the tail, which you mention). Yellow Warblers have long
undertail coverts, which tend to make the tail look short from below,
which is clearly not the case with this bird.

3. Bill shape -- Looking at the bill of this bird, the tip seems
somewhat blunt. Orange-crowned Warblers and other species in the genus
/Oreothlypis/ (formerly/Vermivora/) have thin bills that come to a very
sharp point. On bill shape alone I think we can eliminate Orange-crowned
Warbler, which leaves us with only Wilson's Warbler as a likely
candidate (the only other all-yellow warbler that one would expect in
Oregon during April).

4. Bill color -- This is the clincher. The underside of the bill is very
pale and looks quite yellowish. After hatch-year Orange-crowned Warblers
have all-dark bills with no yellow whatsoever. Conversely, Wilson's
Warblers show yellow mandibles (the lower half of the bill). In spring,
Yellow Warblers also have dark bills.

5. Tertial edges -- On the top photo I think that we can see enough of
the upper wing to determine that edges of the tertials (the inner most
folded feathers on the wings) do not contrast with the rest of those
feathers. In all plumages, Yellow Warblers have darker duskier tertials
with noticeably pale edges. This is a great field mark if you are ever
struggling to sort out dull immature Yellows and Orange-crowneds.

Given the presumed date (based on condition of the vegetation), the
mostly yellow coloration, the somewhat blunt-tipped bill that is pale
below, and the lack of contrast in the tertials, I think it is pretty
safe to conclude that this bird is a Wilson's Warbler. Wilson's
typically return to Oregon by the second week of April, not long after
the arrival of the first Orange-crowneds. When I first started paying
attention to such things (late 1970's), the average arrival dates for
Wilson's fell around the 17th of April and Wilson's were exceptionally
rare in Oregon during winter. Over recent decades the mean arrival date
for Wilson's seems to have moved forward by about a week and this
species is now found in Oregon in most winters.

Dave Irons
Portland, OR

 > Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:45:00 -0700
 > From: linda@xxxxxxxx
 > To: OBOL@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 > Subject: [obol] id help needed!
 > I had the brainwave to put the list of all 148 birds seen on our farm
 > since 1977 on my Birds blog with photos. So I am going through old
 > photos and came across this one from April 2012 of a warbler, or two
 > warblers. My brain seems to be off duty as I cannot tell if this is a
 > Yellow Warbler or an Orange-crowned Warbler or something else I'm not
 > thinking of. Help, please!


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