[obol] Re: [YamhillBirders] Swainson's Hawks

  • From: Linda Fink <linda@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: YamhillBirders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 02 May 2013 08:41:52 -0700

Thanks, Floyd. Those birds were definitely not there when I was, at least where I could see them. Hopefully they will stick around for others to see.


On 5/1/2013 10:22 PM, Floyd Schrock wrote:
This evening (5-1-13) I did get out to the hay field near Lafayette,
Yamhill Count, where the Swainson's Hawks were discovered a few days ago.
  There were at least two still in the field, but I didn't really search of
any others.  I took a few distant photos which can be seen here:

Floyd Schrock

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Linda Fink <linda@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


My eye appt in Mac today took forever and I arrived at the Swainson's
Hawk fields with dilated eyes. Through dark glasses I could see 2 Great
Blue Herons and a turkey vulture in the field and a Red-tailed Hawk on a
fence post by the road. Then a long-winged hawk took off from the field
and made lots of very acrobatic and lovely circles as it went up, up,
up... with binocs I could see it was a Swainson's... quite lovely and
quite different flight style than any other hawk I've seen. As it got
higher, I saw another hawk circling above it even higher... could not id
at that distance. I was afraid that was the last of the Swainson's,
hitting an updraft and heading Northward continuing their migration. But
I got out my scope and studied all the hawks left in the fields... I
found 6 of them. Every one was a Red-tail: dark head, light breast, dark
belly band... plus a red tail on the ones where I could see a tail.

So if anyone has seen, sees, a Swainson's in that field after 3:30 today
(May 1), I'd like to hear about it.

Linda Fink


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