[obol] The Moderator on: Re: Song identification

  • From: DJ Lauten and KACastelein <deweysage@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2015 14:40:52 -0700


A few people recently sent OBOL messages with attachments, including this most recent one. Based on this it is time for the Moderator to remind everyone that attachments are NOT permitted for OBOL emails.

To remind everyone the reasons:

1) viruses are often attached to emails, so it is rather dangerous to open an attachment unless you are certain it is coming from a known source. To avoid this on OBOL, NO attachments please. If you have a question or photo or something to share, please post it on the web and give us a link, or tell everyone you have a photo (or whatever) and you will be happy to forward to anyone who requests.

2) there are plenty of OBOLers who still have dial up connections. Attachments slow down the download time massively, and these folks do not want or need the attachments. This may be hard for some to believe, but the honest truth is even me, the Moderator, has had a relatively slow connection speed until next week when I finally get serious high speed connection. Oregon is full of rural places that have no fiber optic lines or are too remote to be close enough to the servers for high speed. So again, NO attachments.

Apologies to Laura, I do not mean to pick on you, your email simply triggered the friendly reminder.

Oh, by the way, I believe you are listening to a BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK.......

Dave Lauten

On 6/5/2015 8:53 AM, Laura874 wrote:


Would someone be so kind as to identify this song? It's in my sister's backyard, and she says it sings from 7am-7pm, never letting up (actually she said, never "shutting" up).


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  • » [obol] The Moderator on: Re: Song identification - DJ Lauten and KACastelein