[obol] Spotted vs. Barred Owls

  • From: Joel Geier <joel.geier@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oregon Birders OnLine <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 15:29:29 -0700

Hi all,

Last night my daughter Martha and I camped out at an old-growth site in
the western Cascades of Linn Co., which has been home to nesting Spotted
Owls. Since the weather was so warm & clear I decided to just sleep out
under the stars -- which turned out to be exceptionally bright due to
the new moon.

At midnight I was woken by a male Spotted Owl that seemed to be hooting
from just 20 m or 30 m or so back in the forest. He gave just one series
of hoots, then stopped. I stayed awake and listened for the next 15
minutes or so, but I didn't hear him again, nor did I hear a female
respond. Martha thought she might have heard him one other time in the

A little before 4 AM I woke again to the call of an owl that flew in
to a tree right on the edge of the forest. After a couple of
introductory calls, he launched into the characteristic BARRED OWL
sequence "Who cooks for you?" and was quickly answered by another BARRED
OWL about 100 m away.

Within thirty seconds the second Barred Owl flew in, and I watched the
two of them flying back and forth over an opening in the trees,
silhouetted against the pre-dawn sky. The first owl seemed to win the
confrontation, and flew back to perch in a tree almost directly over my
sleeping bag, and proclaim his territory once again as the top owl in
that patch of forest.

Ten years ago I might have thought it was fun to see Barred Owls, but
there was no joy in seeing two Barred Owls right in the middle of a
Spotted Owl's territory.

According to a professional owl surveyor who I met at the same site a
year ago, last year a Spotted Owl pair was present but apparently didn't
nest, due to proximity of Barred Owls. It seems to be worse this year.

Good birding,

Joel Geier
Camp Adair area north of Corvallis

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  • » [obol] Spotted vs. Barred Owls - Joel Geier