[obol] Question on bird behavior

  • From: David Lantz <lantz503@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOL Oregon Birders Online <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 23:24:13 +0000

I was on a deck with a large green space primarily with Douglas firs and
oaks.  A stellar's Jay flew into the neighbor's cedar tree approximately 50
feet tall 20 feet wide. The J proceeded to make exceedingly agitated calls
at about a cadence of one a second for several minutes.  The birds in the
green space swarmed to the cedar and flew into it. I saw at least six
Anna's Hummingbirds, a dozen or so chickadees, some Bush tits, some
golden-crowned kinglets, a couple of towhees, maybe 10 or so juncos, the
only bird that is in the screen space that I didn't see flying into it was
a brown creeper. I imagine the great horned owl wasn't too impressed. For
another two minutes or so the J continue the calls and all the birds were
just flying around in a panic. There are Cooper's hawks I've seen here on
several occasions including one about an hour earlier. The J flew to
another tree called for another minute and then left and then slowly the
other bird went back home. Any ideas what was going on here?

Thanks David

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