[obol] Peregrines at Lone Ranch, Curry Co.

  • From: Jeremy Clothier <jeremyclothier23@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 16:52:36 -0700

Hello obol,

I was at Lone Ranch Beach just north of Brookings, OR. on 06/17/2015 doing
some tide pool exploring and some casual birding when I heard one of the
most ungodly rasping calls in my life coming from over a cliff behind me.

I looked up to see two large falcons flying after one another, stooping,
and doing the whole roll over talons up routine. Since I didn't have my
binoculars it took me a second to see that these were Peregrine Falcons
flying over head. As I watched there was a third Peregrine in the mix. One
was much larger than the others.

I was with a few other casual birders and we were trying to figure out what
the heck was going on. Our first thought was there was a nest intruder, but
I think it was young birds flying and play fighting/hunting. They were
constantly calling and they looked very buffy underneath. As previously
stated, I did not have my binoculars so I was wondering if any of you had a
guess as to what was going on. Do they nest there?

Jeremy Clothier,
Jackson County

Other related posts:

  • » [obol] Peregrines at Lone Ranch, Curry Co. - Jeremy Clothier