[obol] Offtopic: Jupiter & Venus in Evening Sky

  • From: Range Bayer <range.bayer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oregon Birders OnLine <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Lincoln Co. Birding & Nature Observing" <LCBNO@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 19:31:51 -0700


Below is an informative article and diagram of the evening sky about
Jupiter and Venus approaching each other in the evening sky--better
check, look for it!

Below is an excerpt from
Venus and Jupiter: Together at Last By: Kelly Beatty | June 25, 2015

The two brightest planets are gliding closer together in the early
evening sky, and their celestial dance culminates with an ultra-close
pairing on June 30th.

Anyone who pays even cursory attention to the evening sky has surely
noticed that the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, have been
drawing closer together in the west in the evening twilight. At the
beginning of June, the two planets were 20° apart in the sky, about
twice the width of your fist held at arm's length. Week by week,
Jupiter and the stars behind it have gradually slipped lower in the
evening twilight. But Venus, due to its rapid orbital motion around
the Sun, has stayed high up.


Surely, this spectacle must be some kind of omen. Well, yes, it's a
sign from the heavens to get outside and look! As my S&T colleague
Alan MacRobert points out, a spectacular conjunction like this often
gets people started in our wonderful pastime. "These planetary
groupings in the sky have no effect on Earth or human affairs — except
for one," he says. "They can lift our attention away from our own
little world into the enormous things beyond. That's what amateur
astronomers do all the time."


Range Bayer, Newport, Oregon

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