• From: "Wayne Hoffman" <whoffman@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "OBOL" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:30:05 -0700

Hi - 


At 1:40 this afternoon at the Yaquina Bay South Jetty I got a brief but
definitive observation of a Grasshopper Sparrow.  The location was at the
west end of the "Gull Spot."  At the west end is a small circular clump of
vegetation pretty much covered with low-stature blackberries.  As I started
into the drive at the west edge of this clump, the bird flushed from the
edge of the drive and flew only about 20 feet into the vegetation to the
west.  I stopped, and quickly found the bird in my binocs, at a distance of
about 25 feet standing on a very old horizontal log.


I saw the unmarked, warm tawny chest, blank-looking face, large bill, and
distinctive "no forehead"  head profile.  Then it turned away, and I saw
distinct white stripes on the upper back.


I reached for the camera, but it disappeared before I could get it in focus.


A 30-minute search failed to turn it up.




Other related posts:

  • » [obol] Local RBA: Newport GRASSHOPPER SPARROW - Wayne Hoffman