[obol] Fall Birds - neo-fallout

  • From: Rob Conway <robin_birder@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "tweeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <tweeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 06:23:42 +0000

This morning I walked slowly (very slowly) along the Columbia dike near 
Cottonwood Beach in Washougal.  There were many more ducks and geese on the 
river than I've seen in a long time.  There were 3 Common Mergansers, a Hooded 
Merganser in the dock/marina area, loads of Bufflehead and Common Goldeneye, 
Mallards, scores of Canada Geese that kept taking off and landing just 100 feet 
away or so, a single Greater White Fronted Goose, and a pair of squabbling GB 
Herons.  On the inland side there were 2 Western Meadowlarks (a first in this 
location for me), a Raven chasing what I'm guessing were voles in a field (I 
saw at least 10 voles crossing the dike), many American Crows, a raucous group 
of Steller's Jays in the trees near the sewer plant, and 2 Bald Eagles 
Overhead.  Oh, and a Kestrel on the fence likely eyeing the same voles.
At home there were skeins of geese flying over all day long, as well as a group 
of 7 Sandhill Cranes all in a diagonal line and calling loudly.  Varied 
Thrushes are now every day visitors tearing through the leaves we have yet to 
rake, a single Robin (are there just fewer this year?), and a noisy Pacific 
Wren.  Yesteday I had an equally noisy Bewick's Wren actively feeding under the 
junipers.  Best bird of the day was a very light Peregrine Falcon that sat at 
the top of a big fir tree, I think eyeing my feeder area and the hundreds of 
finches, sparrows, juncos, and "my" mob of Stellers Jays and their cousins the 
Scrub Jay murder crew.  I have heard a GH Owl the last 3 nights, and both a 
Western Screech Owl and what I am assuming is a Barred Owl (haven't spotted it) 
or mayber even 2.
I sit most of the day watching the birds and fretting about the yardwork that I 
probably need to hire someone to do.  Still under doctors orders to avoid any 
stress or strenous exercise, and I try to do just that.  I'm thinking about 
just leaving the leaves where they fall this year to start building up a 
natural mulch - the birds enjoy the leaves flipping and checking for juicy bugs 
and worms, so 2 birds with one lack of effort.

Rob Conway 
Camas, WA
45.58°N 122.44°W - elevation 310 ft.



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  • » [obol] Fall Birds - neo-fallout - Rob Conway