[obol] Eugene Cinnamon Teal

  • From: Thomas Meinzen <thomasmeinzen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 15:43:25 -0700

I checked the duck mix in for winter at Delta Ponds in Eugene today. Best
bird was a male CINNAMON TEAL near the bike bridge, which will likely
overwinter. RING-NECKED DUCKS and GADWALL are back in numbers.

On a side note, I had 6 species of *emberizine* sparrows in the yard
yesterday (Golden-crowned, White-crowned, Song, and Fox Sparrow, Spotted
Towhee, and juncos), which is the record for our yard for one day.

I've noticed a dearth of OBOL reports of late from Fern Ridge area, and
just wondered if this is from a recent lack of interesting birds or lack of
observer coverage. I would think there would still be some decent shorebird
movement there now.

Good birding,
Thomas Meinzen

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