[obol] Coos/Curry Rarities of Late

  • From: Tim Rodenkirk <timrodenkirk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 03:11:51 -0700

The Coos Bay BLM owl/murrelet crew has been seeing a LONG-EARED OWL in NE
Curry, just a couple miles from the Coos line the past week or so.  It is
using a 20 to 30 year old plantation- or that is where they have seen it
several times.  There is some extensive open oak woodland habitat nearby
though.  There are only two records in Coos- both in winter.  In Curry
there are several records. I vaguely remember an owl crew finding one in
southern Curry east of Brookings like 15 yrs. ago.  Also, I think they have
been seen/heard several times up near Bear Camp which is about 5,000' in
the Siskiyous.  The bird the crew has been seeing is at 1,200' though. The
area is way up the Sixes River and is on private industrial forest lands so
it is inaccessible to the public anyhow.

I guess Trevor Hook and his Mom who live near Pistol River had a
ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK stop by yesterday (1 July).

Knute Andersson reports a couple CHIPPING SPARROWS at his place SW of
Langlois, an unusual location this time of year and so close to the coast.

There was a singing ROCK WREN at the Bethel Mtn. quarry in SW Coos
yesterday also.

Merry migration!
Tim R
Coos Bay

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  • » [obol] Coos/Curry Rarities of Late - Tim Rodenkirk