[obol] Coos Hooded Oriole et al. 12/7/2014

  • From: Tim Rodenkirk <timrodenkirk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2014 18:26:11 -0800

Pearl Harbor Day- wow, can you believe 73 years ago!  My dad is now
deceased but he was part of WWII,  just wanted to say hello to Dad and
acknowledge the past. Many thanks to all the WWII vets out there! I
remember my Dad showing me his graduation picture from high school, I knew
several of the folks- he said half of the others (I didn't know) died in
the war- wow!

Barb Griffin saw the HOODED ORIOLE again at her place today in North Bend,
it appears to be overwintering.

I went out to Cape Arago/Seal Lion Overlook (Simpson Reef) and saw the
ANCIENT MURRLETS that Noah Strycker reported yesterday- thanks Noah!

Then I went down to the Coquille Valley for some early scouting for the 3
Jan Coquille Valley CBC.  There were 9 TURKEY VULTURES around Norway- the
3rd year they have overwintered. This may become ho-hum in future years,
but it still amazes me! At Johnson Mill Pond there were several thousand
ducks (and coots).  Probably at least half wigeons. I found 7 adult male
EURASIAN WIGEONS and one female.

Back in Coquille near the high school, there were at least two CINNAMON
TEAL at the normal winter spot for the past few years.  Also with them was
a male AMERICAN x EURASIAN WIGEON hybrid.  It looked exactly like a male
American except for the red head.

Merry Holidaze all,
Tim R
Coos Bay

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  • » [obol] Coos Hooded Oriole et al. 12/7/2014 - Tim Rodenkirk