[obol] Christmas Valley ECAS Raptor Survey

  • From: "Kim Boddie" <kcboddie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "COBOL sightings" <cobol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "OBOL Sightings" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 20:29:02 -0800

Lowell Franks joined me today on a perfect day to conduct a Raptor Survey 
around Christmas Valley.  The temperature ranged from 12 to 53 degrees F. under 
clear skies, and NOOOOOO  wind.  We had the second highest November raptor 
count of 124 for the 10 years of the survey.  Beside seeing lots of raptors we 
also saw 3 N. Shrikes, 20 Pronghorn, 20+ Mule deer, 1 Coyote, and lots of 
ravens and Am. Robins.  It is rutting season for Mule Deer and those in love 
bucks are not paying attention to anything but the girls.  Several bucks 
chasing does didn't pay any attention to us as we drove by.

 This morning at 6:30, as  I was walking to my car in the dark I came within 5 
feet of a 4 point buck who was watching a doe in my garden.  When he saw me, he 
tried to stare me down until I swung my backpack at him.  He then walked away 
about 20 feet and watched me load my car.  I live in an old residential area of 
Bend and a herd of about 13 deer have been entertaining the neighbors and 
eating our flowers, shrubs and bird feed.

Here are the raptors we saw today:
Red-tailed Hawks - 46                        American Kestrel - 2               
       Northern Harrier - 7
Bald Eagle - 1A                                   Golden Eagle - 10             
              Rough-legged Hawk - 43
Ferruginous Hawk - 10                       Prairie Falcon - 2                  
          Coopers Hawk - 1
Unident. Buteo - 2

We got to spend about 5 minutes watching an almost black dark morph 
Rough-legged Hawk on a power pole right in front of us.  From the back, there 
were almost no distinguishing marks until it flew and you could see the white 
on tail and under wings.  Lowell said that hawk made his day.

Kim Boddie

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