[obol] Ash-throated flycatcher at Sandy River Delta

  • From: Tom McNamara <tmcmac67@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 13:11:37 -0700

SRD was hopping this morning.  Best bird was a Ash-throated flycatcher,
heard only but 100% certain of it (ok, it could'dve been another Myiarchus
but that's the only other option).  I tried for ~25 minutes, while it
called continuously, to find it in the edge of a cottonwood gallery of that
east/west berm that parallels and is just south of Vireo Alley (aka Old
channel trail).  It was slightly NW of where all that construction
equipment/trailer office thing is.

Area N of Vireo Alley is closed.

Some highlights:   lots of Willow flys, Laz. buntings, 4 E. kingbirds (3
adults, 1 youth)

1 BT Gray, 1 W. tanager.

good birding,  Tom
negative datum---  Yellow-billed cuckoo: nearly 1; tent caterpillars are
there just waiting to be dined on though.

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