[netmagis] dhcp-generation not working with views

  • From: Daniel Liikamaa <daniel.liikamaa@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: netmagis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 12:43:33 +0100

I have a quite large network to manage, or rather - three networks. Short summary:
White network - connected to Internet
Green network - standalone, no routing to any other network whatsoever
Blue network - standalone, no routing to any other network whatsoever

On each of the three networks, I have a master and slave DNS/DHCP server, which gets their updates from the Netmagis server. I have a view for each of the networks, and this works perfectly for the DNS, the servers only get the zone files for the corresponding zone and all is well (well, not all well, since netmagis seems to ignore it when I create a CNAME in the web interface, it never gets out to the DNS servers... another problem, which someone perhaps can explain?) - anyway, for the DHCP generation, it just ignores the -w green, -w white or whatever, in the mkdhcp command. The dhcp-gen.conf file gets filled with the DHCP configuration for all three networks, not just the one corresponding with the view.

What could be wrong? Where to look?


Other related posts:

  • » [netmagis] dhcp-generation not working with views - Daniel Liikamaa