[ncsc-moths] Re: Zanclognatha

  • From: "Paul" <pandlscharf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ncsc-moths@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:47:48 -0500

Jackie, Buy a very cheap bottle of  White Wine and add about 2-3 spoons of 
sugar to it. Shake it and let it sit, although I usually use it the same night 
. The longer it sits the better. Cut  a piece of clothesline ( I've been using 
anchor rope lately ) to about a three foot length and dip both ends ( go up the 
ends a good 12 inches ) in the wine bottle . Hang the rope over a limb so both 
ends are dangling . On a good night, during the winter, the ropes will be 
covered with moths . Best time is between dusk to around 2000 hrs and when the 
temperature is in the low 40s. I usually hang between 4-6 ropes on varous limbs 
or off the porch lights. I usually dip the ropes back into the wine nightly , 
but I've seen moths still come to the ropes without redipping them . Paul

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