[nasional_list] [ppiindia] US$ 700 Milyar Uang Pembayar Pajak untuk Spekulan Pasar AS

  • From: A Nizami <nizaminz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ekonomi-nasional@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ekonomisyariah <ekonomi-syariah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, sabili <sabili@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, lisi <lisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:05:45 +0700 (ICT)

Pemerintah AS memakai US$ 700 milyar (Rp 6.510
Trilyun) uang pembayar pajak untuk menyelamatkan para
Spekulan Pasar yang membuat rontok Pasar Uang dan
Pasar Saham di AS.

Biasanya para Spekulan Pasar meminta pemerintah/negara
tidak ikut campur. Biarkan harga membubung
tinggi/merosot sesuai permainan para spekulan.

Tapi ketika Pasarnya hancur, mereka meminta pemerintah
untuk mengeluarkan uang ratusan/ribuan trilyun rupiah
untuk menyelamatkan mereka.

Harusnya uang negara dipakai untuk mensejahterakan
rakyat miskin. Bukan menyelamatkan para
spekulan/bankir yang bergaji super tinggi.

Hebatnya lagi AS meminta negara2 lain untuk melakukan
hal yang serupa dengannya (termasuk Indonesia).


Financial crisis: Paulson calls for rest of world to
copy America's $700bn financial bail-out

Henry Paulson

Henry Paulson, US treasury secretary, talks to the
media about efforts to heal the crisis in the
financial markets on Friday. Photograph: J Scott

The US treasury is pressing Britain, Japan, Germany
and other industrialised nations to copy its $700bn
(£382bn) scheme to bail out the banking industry
through a coordinated global plan to patch up the
wounded financial system.

A proposed state-sponsored organisation to sweep up
banks' toxic mortgage debt will require funding
equivalent to more than $2,000 for every American
citizen. It involves raising the statutory ceiling on
the United States' national debt from $10.6tn to

Henry Paulson, the US treasury secretary, said foreign
banks would only be eligible for the bail-out if they
had major operations in the US.

"I'm going to be pressing our colleagues around the
world to design similar programmes for their banks and
institutions," said Paulson during a round of
interviews on Sunday. "Our system is a global one."

Congress is likely to rush Paulson's bail-out plans
into law within days - although Democrats are
demanding drastic cuts in Wall Street bankers'
multimillion-dollar pay packages.

The British government is reluctant to make a similar
emergency intervention. In London, a Treasury
spokesman said Britain was adopting different tactics,
including a £100bn special liquidity scheme for banks
and last week's intervention to aid Lloyds TSB's
takeover of HBOS. "We're not working on any similar
plans in the UK," he said. "We're talking a lot to
Hank [Paulson] and his team, but different nations
might do different things."

Paulson's initiative is the biggest intervention in
the financial markets by a US government since the
Great Depression. In a document of just three pages,
the US treasury has asked Congress for authority to
spend up to $700bn, although officials point out that
they will make some of this money back by reselling
mortgage-backed securities once a degree of normality
has returned to the markets.

"I don't like the fact that we have to do this. I hate
the fact that we have to do this, but it's better than
the alternatives," Paulson told Fox News. "This sticks
in my craw, but it is by far the least costly way to
proceed for the American economy."

The treasury secretary, who is a former Goldman Sachs
executive, said hedge funds would not be allowed to
use the facility, risking further wrath from the
troubled high-risk investment funds, which are
seething over a ban on short-selling in financial

In return for the bail-out, Democrats want Wall Street
to end telephone-number sized salaries for senior

"It would be a grave mistake to say we're going to buy
up the bad debt that results from the bad decisions of
these people and then let them get billions of dollars
on the way out," said Barney Frank, chairman of the
House financial services committee. "The American
people don't want that to happen and it shouldn't

Wall Street bosses are among the top earners in US
boardrooms - Goldman Sachs' chief executive, Lloyd
Blankfein, took home $68.5m last year and Lehman's
Richard Fuld was paid $34m.

The bail-out gives Paulson's department sweeping
powers to spend without liability to review by the
courts. "He's asking for a huge amount of power,"
Nouriel Roubini, an economist at New York University,
told Bloomberg News. "He's saying 'trust me, I'm going
to do it right if you give me absolute control'. This
is not a monarchy."

In a reminder of the fragile state of the financial
industry, a West Virginia chain, Ameribank, was seized
by regulators on Friday evening. On Wall Street,
Morgan Stanley continued talks about a merger with the
high-street bank Wachovia, or a capital injection from
the China Investment Corporation. News of the plan
halted a relentless sell-off in stocks, which some
believe was close to becoming a stockmarket crash.
Traders in New York suggested that if unchecked, the
volume of "sell" orders could have wiped 22% off major
Discount dilemma

How much is a sub-prime mortgage worth? The US
government faces a dilemma in deciding what to pay
banks for their underperforming assets. Top banks have
written more than $300bn off the value of their
mortgage-backed securities. Even at these discounted
levels, few analysts attach much credibility to banks'
valuations of holdings. But if the US treasury drives
too hard a bargain, it could force such banks into
bankruptcy, potentially causing an outcry. Bankers say
the securities are far from worthless because they are
all ultimately backed by bricks and mortar but
negotiations are likely to be brutal.

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