[nas-2000] HDD is not working anymore

  • From: "Remco" <skelter.skelter@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <nas-2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 16:56:30 -0400

My problem is not related to tinky, but I do hope someone can try to help me out...

The HDD in my NAS2000 does start spinning anymore.
The light on the power supply is on, the power light on the NAS is on. When I press the power button, the power light dims and the NAS light is also very low and nothing happens, no HDD activity (does not even start spinning). I somehow got into the web interface earlier (which was on instead of .250, I tried to get into it later but failed) and it said "no harddisk found". Same thing in USB-more; no HDD activity.

Unfortunately, I just moved so no desktop computer to try the HDD and no voltage meter to see if the power adaptor is still working or if the HDD gets power...

Can you think of anything I could try?

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