[nanomsg] Internet facing applications

  • From: Jan Dvořák <mordae@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nanomsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:05:40 +0200


I am reposting my HN comment <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6243065>:

> I am hoping for some kind of solution for the DoS problems present in
> ZeroMQ (and probably in nanomsg as well) when used in an Internet
> facing application. For example the possibility to subscribe to an
> unlimited number of prefixes in the PUBSUB model leads to memory
> explosion on the server side.

I believe that absence of safeguards such as peer management,
subscribe limit, and maximum message size prevents more widespread
usage of ZeroMQ.  With these, it might be possible to finally get
over the absurd HTTP transport for everything we are seeing now.

Best regards,
        Jan Dvorak

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