<MP>Friday, 13 July 2007

  • From: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 20:24:23 -0500

.=:  M O R N I N G    P R A Y E R  :=.
     from Father Pat Umberger

J O I N    M E
A great Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
04-15 November 2007
Two more Pilgrims signed up today!
Remember, the early Sign-Up Discount expires on 27 July.
Sign up now and save $100!

The brochure and full information, including hotel links, is on-line.
We'll renew our Baptismal Promises at the Jordan River, where Jesus was
Baptized by John.  We'll renew our marriage vows and pray for any deceased
husbands and wives at Cana in Galilee where Jesus attended a wedding with
his Mother and turned water into wine.  We'll take a boat ride on the Sea of
Galilee.  We'll even have a chance to visit Masada and to swim in the Dead
Sea. We'll visit the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem too, and see the Dead Sea
Scrolls.  You'll never read Scripture in the same way after this wonderful
Pilgrimage! Follow the link from:  www.frpat.com 


.=:  M O R N I N G    P R A Y E R  :=.
     From Father Pat Umberger

.=:  S C R I P T U R E   F O R   T H E   D A Y  :=.

"From ages past no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any
God besides you, who works for those who wait for him.  You meet those who
gladly do right, those who remember you in your ways." ~Isaiah 64:4-5

.=:  M E D I T A T I O N   F O R   T H E   D A Y  :=.

We can be expectant.  We can constantly expect better things.  We can
believe that what God has in store for us is better than anything we ever
had before.  The way to grow old happily is to expect better things right up
to the end of our lives and even beyond that.  A good life is a growing,
expanding life, with ever-widening horizons, an ever-greater circle of
friends and acquaintances, and an ever-greater opportunity for usefulness.

.=: P R A Y E R   F O R   T H E   D A Y  :=.

I pray that I may wait with complete faith for the next good thing in store
for me.  I pray that I may always keep an expectant attitude toward life.

.=: S C R I P T U R E S   A N D   S A I N T   O F   T H E   D A Y :=

Scriptures: http://www.nccbuscc.org/nab/

Saint of the Day: http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/SaintofDay/ 

.=: W E     P R A Y  :=.

Brian and many members of Alcoholics Anonymous are asking for your prayers
for their long-time friend in Alcoholics Anonymous, Earle O., who has passed
on the AA Message for the past 53 years, it looks as though The Lord will be
calling him home very soon. Nancy asks prayers through the intercession of
St. Joseph for the sale of her deceased mother's house and the return of
peace to her family. Nancy asks prayers for two people who are in the final
stages of bringing someone into the country. 

Nancy asks prayers for members of her son-in-law's family. Marg asks prayers
for a special intention. Nancy from PA requests prayers for members of her
son-in-law's family who need to be reconciled with one another and for all
families who are estranged from their members that God will give them the
insight to see that families are the most important things in their lives.
Frieda asks prayers for her relationship with her daughter.

A member asks for prayers for a friend's husband and daughter who were
seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. Rosaline asks prayers for
herself that God's will be done for her cancer. Jean requests prayer for her
daughter, who is pregnant after two miscarriages. Jean requests prayers for
a friend who will begin extensive chemo for breast cancer on Wednesday.

We pray for unity in our country and that we may build a Culture of Life. We
pray for the safety of our troops, their safe return and their families at
home.  We pray for a deep and profound respect for life, and for the courage
and willingness to stand up for life. We pray for one another, for those who
have asked our prayers and for those who need our prayers the most. Have a
good day!

May God Bless you and those you love, and keep you safe!

Father Pat

      "Be still and know that I am God." ~Psalm 46:10 

<MP>Morning Prayer is free, and comes from:
Father Pat Umberger, a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse
in Wisconsin U.S.A.
Web Site: www.frpat.com   
Evangelization (reaching out): www.cmonback.com   

.=:  M A K E    A    D O N A T I O N ?  :=.


.=:  F O R W A R D I N G  :=.

Please leave these credits when doing so.

based on "God Calling, by Two Listeners," 
A.J. Russell, ed. Forward to friends, 
but please leave this tag intact.

.=: C H A N G E  Y O U R  S U B S C R I P T I O N :=.

Unsubscribe from your old address before you subscribe with your
new address.  Use this link:  www.frpat.com/morningprayer.htm#mp    

.=: S U B M I T  A  P R A Y E R :=.

Intentions to be included with <MP>Morning Prayer:

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  • » <MP>Friday, 13 July 2007