[mira_talk] Parse error at line 84: unmatched CIGAR operation

  • From: John Nash <john.he.nash@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 15:18:24 -0400

Good afternoon,

I need to do some samtools mpileups and I have been trying to generate BAM 
files from mira's output without success.

The data are from mapping assemblies using various versions of the 3.9.x series 
of mira.

A.  If I use convert_project to generate a sam file from a maf file, all goes 
well, and I can view the assembly in Tablet. However, either doing:

$ samtools view -bS STRAIN.sam > STRAIN.bam

or, after generating an index from the STRAIN_unpadded.fasta file using 
samtools faidx:

$ samtools view -bt STRAIN_unpadded.fasta.fai STRAIN.sam > STRAIN.bam

generates a Parse error at line 84: unmatched CIGAR operation

B.  Peter Cock's maf2sam.py (version 2.0) hangs when I try to convert the maf 
file to a sam file.

C.  Before I had heard of maf2sam.py or before convert_project's ability to 
generate sam files, I used to make sam files by filtering caf files through 
gap5, i.e.

$ tg_index-o STRAIN_gap5db STRAIN.caf
$ gap5_export -format sam -out STRAIN.sam STRAIN_gap5db.g5
$ samtools view -bS STRAIN.sam STRAIN.bam

With these recent assemblies, I get the same error.

D.  picard-tools SamFormatConverter crashes.

I have tried it with at least 3 different reference assemblies.

Could somebody please advise me?


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