[mira_talk] Re: 35M Solexa paired-end reads on a Linux cluster with 128Gb RAM -> out of memory :o(

  • From: Bastien Chevreux <bach@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 21:25:01 +0100

On Donnerstag 18 März 2010 Martin A. Hansen wrote:
> Can I do anything about this?
> [...]
> Out of memory detected, exception message is: std::bad_alloc

Yes and no.

Strange, there shouldn't be an OOM at this stage as the memory has been pre-
allocated. But looking at the code I saw a faint possibility for memory re-
allocation of double the size of the current buffer, which in your case would 
be 180 GiB. I quickly made a fix to this (and added some debugging stuff in 
case this fails).

Can you please download


and see whether the bug is still there (or maybe a new error message pops up)? 

In any case: even if the 'fix' isn't fixing the problem, you should be able to 
circumvent that particular problem by limiting the process size to something 
like 50 GiB with


PS: Lionel is right: I currently cannot recommend Solexa only for high 

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