[meshcreator] MeshCreator 2.61 b318 Released

  • From: MeshCreator Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, meshcreator@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 01:17:41 +0000

*New Features*

   - COMPLETED - P2 HIGH - Adjust Mesh Pin size according to Mesh Size
   - MeshPin size is now calculated based on the farthest point from the
      centre of the mesh making this more scalable to models that use larger
   - COMPLETED - P2 HIGH - Enable Automatic Checking for Software Updates
      - Don't miss out on further developments in MeshCreator.  The
      software can now automatically check for new versions published on the
      website and directly link you to the download.  Don't want this???  This
      can be disabled through the options menu.
   - COMPLETED - P3 MEDIUM - Add blinking cursor to Material Name field
   when selected
      - Cursor added to the Material Editor.
   - COMPLETED - P3 MEDIUM - Add code to remember window dimensions and
   position on exit and reload
      - Finally, MeshCreator now remembers where you left it and will
      reload with the same window dimensions.
   - COMPLETED - P3 MEDIUM - Add Split Mesh Functions
      - You can now select triangles and split them off into a new mesh.
       This is great when you want to apply a different material to different
      parts of your model.
   - COMPLETED - P3 MEDIUM - Add Texture Coordinates view when moving tx
      - Sometimes it can be difficult to visualise where your texture
      coordinates lie on your texture when they are presented within
your model.
       MeshCreator now shows you a preview of your texture with your vertices
      mapped onto it while you are editing them.
   - COMPLETED - P3 MEDIUM - Alow zero mesh models and allow default mesh
   square to be automatically deleted
      - You no longer need to delete the default mesh.  This can be done
      for you allowing you to start from a completely blank canvas.
   - COMPLETED - P3 MEDIUM - Create a restore EDIT view menu option
      - Now quickly flick between Model Preview mode (no grids and axis
      etc.) to edit mode through the menu options.
   - COMPLETED - P4 LOW - Show ISO Views in top-right corner of the 3D
      - Added a tag to the ViewPort toolbar showing which view (top, left,
      front or 3D) making them easily identifiable.
   - COMPLETED - P5 REQUEST - Allow changing of background colour
      - You can now adjust the GL_CLEAR_COLOR (background colour) of
      MeshCreator through the options menu.
   - Added Import Texture Coordinates to .OBJ File Functionality
      - Looking at how best to integrate the material settings from OBJ
      MATLIB files into MeshCreator.

*Resolved Issues*

   - RESOLVED - P2 HIGH - Multiple Colour Selection Dialogs from Material
   - RESOLVED - P3 MEDIUM - Incorrect Material Settings applied in Editor

*Feedback Required*
(Items in this list are reported issues or software enhancements that
require further testing or feedback)

   - Request feedback on OBJ Import/Export Process
   - Looking for feature and enhancement requests
   - Please send ANY to support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

*Known Issues/Limitations*

   - .OBJ File Imports only import vertex and texture coordinate data.
    Info in MATLIB files is not imported.
   - Send issue reports to support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Other related posts:

  • » [meshcreator] MeshCreator 2.61 b318 Released - MeshCreator Support