[macvoiceover] an audity with this mac mini and snow leopard

  • From: Marty Rimpau <mrimpau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 19:12:37 -0700

Hi all, I was listening to a stream today, and all of a sudden, I heard four dings, and thought it was the stream, but it was apparently, my mac mini, because later on, when I went to load a page in safari, when I was in the address bar, I heard these dings I heard during the stream, as I was typing the address in to the address bar, and I wonder how this got turned on? When I tried again, entering another address, it did the same thing, but when I put the mini to sleep for a few minutes and woke it up, it didn't do the dinging in the safari address bar, so I wonder exactly what happened, and has anybody else had these types of experiences with their mac mini, and thanks in advance for any light that can be shed on this.


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