[macvoiceover] Some metronome apps for iPhone

  • From: Ian Edwards <ianedwards42@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Mac Voiceover list Mac Voiceover List <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:20:13 -0600

Having test-driven some metronome apps, I've found a few that are ok. None of 
them are as cool as the old iTick Express, but alas we move on. These ones are 
all free, I didn't test-drive any paid ones.

Very basic, you can divide bpm down into tenths, which you may need for some 
songs that aren't right on. It runs from 4 picker dials using standard flick up 
and down gestures to adjust. first is for 100s, next is for 10s, third is for 
1s, fourth is for tenths.  So if you want to set for 120 you would set the 
pickers for 1, 2, and 0. For 88 you would set the for 0, 8, and 8 etc.

Beatdown is also pretty basic, you can pick from 3 drum sounds. There are 
buttons for tempo up and down, and a picker that reads as percentage but 
actually seems to pop up and down by 20 bpm.

Metronome Plus looks to be the most comprehensive and also the most 
complicated, but it seems pretty accessible. In the notes for a recent update 
they talk about better Voiceover control. I haven't played with it much. One 
thing, it seems to lock in landscape mode, so watch for that.

Tempo Perfect from NCH is the best for controls, as you can flick up and down 
through the tempo picker, and you can set your time signature to 3/4 2/4, 4/4 
etc. The tone is a little electronic, and like many digital metronomes it uses 
a higher tone for the accented beat in the measure, which doesn't seem as 
natural if you're used to following a drum beat. 

So there you go, a few tips that should narrow down the hunt. I actually found 
something that looks like the website of the guy who built iTick express, if I 
can make contact I'll find out what gives.



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