[macvoiceover] Re: MSExcel in Louis

  • From: Travis Siegel <windowbridge@xxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:56:16 -0500

Me personally, I'd prefer it remain separate. I'm a big fan of keeping things simple and fast. That said, I think for general usability and to gain wider acclaim (and for mass distribution) It'd probably be better to incorporate it into the program. Only because then, if someone gets a copy of the program second third or fourth hand, and doesn't know where it came from, they'll still be able to perform all functions. For me, it's easier to run each file through whatever translators it needs to get it into the format I want, then feed it to the embosser (When we produce books here, we use a combination of hand edited files along with some scripts to automate processing, then use modified nfbtrans programs for feeding the finished product to the printers. It works for us, but I don't know how well it would translate to other organizations. So, including as much functionality as you can in the main program is probably a good thing.

(Perhaps make a version of each?)
assuming of course it's not a problem to maintain two code bases (or one depending on how it's compiled/linked)
For what it's worth, there's my input.

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