[macvoiceover] Infovox voices comment, and small little question

  • From: "Chris Gilland" <clgilland07@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 10:46:42 -0400

Wow, I have my Tiger box now running the US English Ryon. I'm blown away! This is not quite, but almost as good as Alex in Leopard. Yeah, Alex from what samples I've heard on recordings, is a little better, but not by much. Sure beats the heck outta Fred though. I'm definitely buying these voices for US English. I'm just wonderring a few things. Do you buy these voices one voice at a time, or do you buy them by region. In other words, would I pay for a license just for Ryon, or would I be buying all of the American US English voices. Finally, I am wonderring come the first when I get a key for Ryon, which I am so! doing, where do I need to go to put it in and unlock this 30 day trial.

Thanks a million.


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