[macvoiceover] I'm finally set up on ITunes but need some help

  • From: "Chris Gilland" <clgilland07@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 16:25:49 -0400

OK guys, I'm on the very latest build of ITunes 7. What I need to know is, once I type the song title in, then hit return, I tab down to the songs list outline. The first result was the song I want: No Charge, by Shirley Ceaser. OK, it's from the Mama How can I ever repay you album. OK, So once there I interacted with the outline, and then vo right arrowed. I went until I heard 99 cents. I then hit vo shift m. I get more info, copy, copy store U R L, and that's pretty much it. I don't see buy song. When I am on 99 cents with the voiceover cursor, my grandfather said I am just to the left beside the word buy, in where visually it shows buy song. I don't know if vo space then would do it. I can't right now afford this track, so I am not able to try, but, I want to at least see the process up to the point where one more keystroke and it'll buy and download. I just can't find that buy option. Everyone keeps saying it's there if you go to that price collumn, then vo shift m, but... This is why I wonder if I am doing it wrong. now, I will say this. After my grandfather clicked on done, after reviewing and finalizing my payment and what not details, we did not quit and relaunch ITunes. Nor did I go to the store menu in the menu bar and then to authorize computer elipsis. How ever, in the store menu, sign in to account, has now changed to sign out of account. So I know I am signed in. Check purchases is not dimmed either, so, again, I know I'm signed in. That's not the question. One thing extremely worth noting, is remember, I'm on Tiger, not Leopard. I don't think that would matter though.

If someone could help, I'ed appreciate it. If you wanna use 99 cents and just ah what the heck I'll buy it so I can see what to do and show 'em, then, you need to put no charge in the search box. That's no space charge. Two words.

"No Charge"

The first result will be the one you want, by Shirley Ceaser.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank yall.


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