[macvoiceover] How can I play a midi file?

  • From: "Chris Gilland Desktop" <clgilland07@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Voiceover List" <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 07:02:56 -0400

I'm curious how in Tiger you need to go about playing a midi file with a .mid extention. I hear quicktime'll do it, but, you have to supposively first, convert it to a movie file. That's way more complicated than I wanna deal with. I just want a simple player that is freeware. Even better, would be open source. I'm sure things like Garage Band would do it, but frankly? I really! don't wanna pay $79 just for the thing for openning mids. Granted, for recording, in general, I am considerring it, but, not sure as of yet.

Quite honestly, I really wanna try this trial that I downloaded.

Anyway, for just a simple player that I could have so I can command o on the file from the finder, and it start playing, would really be extremely nice.


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