[macvoiceover] Re: 2 software questions

  • From: "Greg Kearney" <gkearney@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 07:30:27 -0600

On 7/8/06, wd8oep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <wd8oep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,
Well, here's the latest about my client, Wally, and I have 2 questions for ya.
Well, today, I downloaded the getting started tutorial and burned it onto CDs 
for him.
Also, we spent 5 hours on the phone reading chapters 1 through 5, and 7 as well.
He feels alot more confident about going in there Monday morning.
Now, my 2 questions.
1.  Does Microsoft word come installed on the mac, or, do I have to buy it 

No, Microsoft Word does not come installed on the Mac. Further MS Word is not compatible with VoiceOver. But it is not really that big of an issue because the Mac comes with a program called TextEdit. Dispite it humble sounding name TextEdit, which is VoiceOver compatible will read and write MS Word files and will do almost all the things Word will.

If you are looking for a real hard core program that can do things
like footnotes and so I I would suggest TexShop which is both free and
VoiceOver compatible. I warn you the learning curve on TexShop is
steep but for the blind it is particuly well suited as it uses the TeX
typesetting language to generate perfect, and I do mean perfect,
typeset pages, bibliographies and so on every time. Hard to learn but
worth it in the end it will put Word or any other word processor to

I use word here, and I know it can be used on the mac, and (I guess with the 
same key commands, huh?)
2.  Also, Keith and others, I know you use day chaser, is that a free program, 
or do ya have to pay for it?
Can it be downloaded, or do I have to get it at the Apple store?
Well, here's a 3rd question, and that is, where can I get the read iris 
software?  I was told the local Apple store in Grand Rapids had it, but Wally 
found out they didn't have it, and, when I called 800-myapple, one guy didn't 
know what it was, but Joe, another guy there, said they have it in stock.
So, does anyone know a place that has it for sure?

Daychaser is not free it costs $30.00. Living far from any Apple Store I have to live with buyig things like this online. Here is the links to the Daychaser and ReadIRIS: I recomend using ReadIRIS with the automatic setting. By the way there is a version of Kurweil reading systems for the Mac. Deisigned for dyslexic users I have no idea if it is compatible with VoiceOver or not. Costing $1495 makes it a pricy opton. The link is below.

http://www.irislink.com/ http://www.econtechnologies.com/site/Pages/DayChaser/daychaser_overview.html http://www.kurzweiledu.com/products_k3000mac.asp

take care,

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