[macvisionaries] Re: checking in

  • From: Andrew Lamanche <ioanidis@xxxxxx>
  • To: macvisionaries@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 21:02:58 +0100

I hope so too, Jim. I've not heard from Tyler yet regarding the name. Then we
could figure out how to get the message out to VO users about this new list.

By the way, have you upgraded to iOS 9 yet? I've just upgraded my ipad mini
but I won't have time to play with it tonight - busy working and busy over the
next couple of days.

Best wishes


On 16 Sep 2015, at 21:38, Jim Gatteys <jgatteys@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It would be cool if this list really takes off.

On Sep 16, 2015, at 11:44 AM, Andrew Lamanche <ioanidis@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Mary and All,

After I had pressed the "send" button, I realised that the second group name
"Apple4All" would be more appropriate for the same reasons you mentioned.
Let's hope everybody is in favour and that the change is not going to be a
problem for Tyler. Then we will have to make sure this info gets to more
people looking for discussion groups like ours.

Best wishes

On 16 Sep 2015, at 14:50, Mary Otten <motten53@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

If you want the list to be about Mac things only, no iPhones iPads etc.,
then the list name should have something about Mac in the title. Otherwise,
Apple for all might be a good title. Or at least something that shows you
are open to content other than just Mac. On that other list, right now
there is a big flap over that very subject. The list says Mac visionaries,
but the culture of the list has always been more inclusive. Having the
title of the list indicate the scope of the subject might be a good thing.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 16, 2015, at 3:26 AM, Jim Gatteys <jgatteys@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Probably now would be a good time. Always turmoil on that other list it
seems like.

On Sep 16, 2015, at 2:10 AM, Andrew Lamanche <ioanidis@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Ty,

If we were to decide to rename the list, now it would be the time to do
this as there are still few of us.

It would be good to hear from the others what they feel about a different
name keeping in mind the objections that the other original
macvisionaries list members had raised. I wrote to you shortly after you
had started the list with a suggestion for an alternative name but did
not hear back. You have just explained that you were unable to be in
touch. I think I suggested "AccessibleMac" or as an alternative
"Apple4All" and this is with number 4 not the word for.

Let's decide quickly. The advantage of such a name change would be to
lessen a possible confusion between the two lists.

Best wishes

On 16 Sep 2015, at 00:02, Littlefield, Tyler <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

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Hey all,
First, though I've probably not replied to everything (sorry) I wanted
to acknowledge all private emails that were sent to me regarding the
list. It's been an insane last couple of weeks with moving and no
internet access, but I've been keeping an eye on the list.

Second, I want to ask if there's anything that we need to be doing as
a list. Some people talked about renaming and moving the list, which I
could probably make happen with minimal effort, but I'm also worried
about displacing everyone.

I'd also like to encourage some discussion here and thank everyone who
has participated. I loved the lively discussions that happened on the
other list, I just wasn't a fan of the flaming that kept happening,
which I think we've also discussed quite a lot.

Thanks a lot, and please do let me know if there's anything I can do
to make this work better.

- --
Take care,
twitter: @sorressean
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