Re: opaque pointers and metatype

  • From: Richard Hundt <richardhundt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 09:37:00 +0100

Sorry for the self reply, I'm just not sure if my previous post was
clear, so here's a commented version:

local ffi = require('ffi')
ffi.cdef"typedef struct foo_ foo_t;" -- LuaJIT has no idea how big this is

ffi.metatype(ffi.typeof('foo_t'), {
   __index = {
      greet = function(self)
         print("Hey, ima:", self) -- Hey, ima:    cdata<struct foo_ *>: NULL

local f ='foo_t*[1]') -- &opaque* (i.e. void*[1])
local g = f[0] -- opaque* (i.e. void*)
g:greet() -- but this still works (i.e. LuaJIT rocks!)


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